Wednesday, March 2, 2011

what to do

Finding us a place to live by looking on the internet has not been fun. Last night I sat down with pen and paper and just wrote down every place that would fit in our criteria (J says I am to picky) There were about 12 places (so obviously I can't be THAT picky). Today on my lunch break I called all but just a couple of those places and have now narrowed my search down to 2 possibly 3 places. I feel like a major weight has been lifted off of me. I am going next Friday to look at these places and hopefully one of them will be what I am looking for. Then that will be 1 more major thing to check off my to do list. The last major thing will be moving and getting settled in.

This morning I was trying to turn on the heat in J's car and I break off the temperature switch. The part is $335 brand new. I am hoping I can find a used one at the junk yard. I hope J doesn't get mad. I showed my nephew and he says he thinks we can use either pliers or a vicegrip until I can afford the part.

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